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Events Calendar

222 Scoped rifle match
22 Scoped rifle match1st Sunday of the month
range 1 10.30
25 and 50 metre targets
3 4 5Air Pistol Training
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Air Pistol TrainingTime: 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Open to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session.
6 7 8Girls On Target Day
Girls On Target DayGirls on Target training days
Air Range closed
99MM 45 round match
9MM 45 round matchQuick 45 round match , Not only 9MM. open to all calibres .
big targets at varying times
Everyone welcome
Range 1 at 10.30
10 11 12Air Pistol Training
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Air Pistol TrainingTime: 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Open to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session.
13 14 15Working Bee Range closed until 1pm
Working Bee Range closed until 1pmmaintenance and general tidy up
BBQ lunch
16.22 iron sight/ un-scoped rifle match
.22 iron sight/ un-scoped rifle matchRange 1 10. 30 3rd Sunday of the month.
Competitions will always take preference
For old timers that don't have scopes on a .22 rifle
Get along fun shoot 25 and 50metre targets
Scoped rifles are also welcome.
17 18 19Air Pistol Training
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Air Pistol TrainingTime: 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Open to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session.
20 21 22Collectors Club , Last Saturday of each month
Collectors Club , Last Saturday of each monthAlways something interesting to see
12 Pm Last Saturday of every month
Different categories each month
Everyone welcome
Come , See, Touch and talk
23Major Peter Badcoe VC memorial
Major Peter Badcoe VC memorialIndividual and teams event Run annually since 1969
Memorial shoot honoring past member Major Peter Badcoe VC
24 25 26Air Pistol Training
5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Air Pistol TrainingTime: 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Open to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session.
27 28  

Upcoming Events (Next 30 Days)

  • 15FebWorking Bee Range closed until 1pmmaintenance and general tidy up
    BBQ lunch
  • 16Feb.22 iron sight/ un-scoped rifle matchRange 1 10. 30 3rd Sunday of the month.
    Competitions will always take preference
    For old timers that don't have scopes on a .22 rifle
    Get along fun shoot 25 and 50metre targets
    Scoped rifles are also welcome.
  • 19FebAir Pistol TrainingOpen to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session. 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
  • 22FebCollectors Club , Last Saturday of each monthAlways something interesting to see
    12 Pm Last Saturday of every month
    Different categories each month
    Everyone welcome
    Come , See, Touch and talk
  • 23FebMajor Peter Badcoe VC memorialIndividual and teams event Run annually since 1969
    Memorial shoot honoring past member Major Peter Badcoe VC
  • 26FebAir Pistol TrainingOpen to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session. 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
  • 2Mar22 Scoped rifle match1st Sunday of the month
    range 1 10.30
    25 and 50 metre targets
  • 5MarAir Pistol TrainingOpen to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session. 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm
  • 9Mar9MM 45 round matchQuick 45 round match , Not only 9MM. open to all calibres .
    big targets at varying times
    Everyone welcome
    Range 1 at 10.30
  • 12MarAir Pistol TrainingOpen to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session. 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm