maintenance and general tidy up
BBQ lunchRange 1 10. 30 3rd Sunday of the month.
Competitions will always take preference
For old timers that don't have scopes on a .22 rifle
Get along fun shoot 25 and 50metre targets
Scoped rifles are also welcome.Open to all CLDPC members. Come join us for our regular Wednesday night training session.

About the Range
Campbelltown Liverpool District Pistol Club has a total of 4 Live-fire ranges and 1 Air Pistol range along with a clubhouse. Our range 1 consists of 18 Bay Outdoor Range with removable turning targets at 25m and fixed targets at 50m. Targets can be removed at both distances to allow the range to be used at either distance or a combination of both across range sections, ranges 2 & 3 consist of 10 Bay Ranges fitted with turning targets at 25m. Range 4 is a 5 Bay Range with a relocatable target trolley allowing targets to be set at any distance up to 25m. This range is predominantly used to train for Service & WA1500 matches and has three removable barricades. Our Air Pistol range is a 10 Bay Indoor Range with an SQ10 Electronic Target system. This range is fully air-conditioned. For our member’s comfort, our clubhouse includes the kitchen & catering facilities– a lounge and seating for approx 40 people– a safe area for firearm maintenance.

Range Rules
Children are welcome at the club. HOWEVER Children below the age of 12 are not allowed on the ranges. All minors who attend must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who will sign all documents and stay with them at all times.
- Any firearm should be treated as if it is loaded at all times
- When you remove a gun from a bag or case, keep it pointed at the target line at all times
- If you are not ready to fire, keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard
- Be attentive and careful all the time
- If you see a dangerous situation, report it to a range instructor directly
- Never use drugs or alcohol before or during your stay on the range
- All of your firearms must be discharged and safely encased before leaving the shooting bay.

Come join a great Club
Want to join us at Campbelltown Liverpool District Pistol Club?

CLDPC is predominantly an ISSF discipline pistol club. Click on the button below to find out more about the types of pistol shooting we do.

You’ve never done pistol shooting before, think it’s something you might like doing but are a little unsure. Sound familiar? Why not come join us on one of our Try Shooting days.

Our membership fees are very good value. After you pay your yearly fee, you are only responsible for the cost of your ammunition and patches for the targets. We do not charge on-going range fees, or require members to purchase their own targets.